| | | | | | | | | Dear Joe, Lots of neat houses coming up so stay tuned... San Antonio's own Rachel Laven is in the final 20 of thousands entered in the BBC's competition to identify "The Next Big Thing." Me? I'm content to go see Rachel and the Laven's every Friday for happy hour at The Cove (see you in an hour and a half!). Ok... I admit it. I voted for the hometown girl twice! if you care to, view Rachel's entry here and vote for her here. Check out Crusty McSweetheart's blog entry about Rachel and the competition. Wow. Prince Valiant took an unexpected turn this past Sunday. Not only did he move to page 6, but Makeda returned. It may be 4 weeks behind, but you can start to follow the saga here. It's clean, Joe Barfield, GRI, e-PRO The Joe Barfield Group Keller Williams Realty This week: | | | Fri- Alejandro Escovedo, Sean Castillo, Vallejo, Swindles, Flaming Hellcats, Spank Sinatra, Fin del Mar, Ken Slavin, Steve Jordan, Lil Bit, TVA Sat- Miss Leslie, Ruben V, Texas Sapphires, Percussion, Sentimental Journey, #3 Dinners, Grassy Knoll, Chick's Dig Jazz, Sisters Morales, Cienfuegos, Sean Castillo, Sexto Sol Sun- Earfood Gospel, Kyle Turner, Big Sandy, Red Room Benefit Mon- Lil Bit, Brain that Wouldn't Die Tue- Glenn and Kim, PuroSlam, Suzy & Soul Review Wed- John & Al, Cross Canadian Ragweed, Border Palace, Skunkweed, Steak! Thu- Kevin Fowler, Sun*Day, Jackson Parten | Fri- Alejandro Escovedo, Sean Castillo, Vallejo, Swindles, Flaming Hellcats, Spank Sinatra, Fin del Mar, Ken Slavin, Steve Jordan, Lil Bit, TVA | Friday Alejandro Escovedo, Marcus Rubio - Casbeers Sean Castillo and the Hubcaps - The Cove The Lavens - The Cove (5:30- 8pm) Suzy Bravo & Soul Revue, Vallejo, Spores - Sam's Burger Joint Lucille Chung - Instituto de México Mitch Webb and the Swindles - 321 Max Lesile Lugo and Escape - Arjon's International Club Tropicante - Azuca Robert Henry Band - Blue Cactus Café Beverly Houston and Breezin" - Blue Hills Inn and Spa Zamar - Boardwalk Bistro Two Guys+1 - Broadway 5050 Louise Taylor, Denice Franke - Bugle Boy Paul Harper and Bob Storck - Caparelli's Teye & Belen - Carmens de la Calle Café Fourth Quarter - Chango's Havana Club Sisters Morales - Cheatham Street Warehouse Eden Burning, Vince Neil - Club Kristal Derringer Band - Crabby Jacks Albert Garcia and the Blues Surprise - Dick's Last Resort Dolores Del Rio House Band - Dolores Del Rio George Rivas Band - Downtowner Frank Rodarte & Los Chosen Vatos - Enchilada Warehouse Barefoot - Fiasco Cocktails Jackson Parten and friends - Floores Country Store Michael Waid - Gradys BBQ Prototype - Guadalupe River Club Roger Creager - Gruene Hall Bimbo and the Borderline - Hangin' Tree Saloon Open Bowling, 5:30pm - Hermann Sons Hall Henry Brun and the Latin American Trio - Hotel Contessa Cork Bar Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Potter's Clay - Lighthouse Coffee Café Flaming Hellcats - Limelight, The Keith Sykes, Gary Nicholson - Luckenbach Dance Hall, Evening Danny Terry - Luckenbach Dance Hall,1ish Spank Sinatra - Luna FM 1863 - Luxello Hall (formerly Cibolo Creek CC) Phil Yamin, Eddie, Rose, Mark, Jaybyrd - Majestic Restaurant/Club 222 E. Houston Sound Dogs - Main Street Wayne Harper - Martini Club San Antonio College Musicians - McAllister Theater @ SAC Fin del Mar - Mix, The Ernie Garibay and the Cats Don't Sleep - My Brother's Bar Bennie Reyna - Orphan Annie's Hair Club - Pat O'briens Hombres G - Planeta Bar-Rio Josh Glenn, Stephanie Briggs - Red Room Haybale! - Riley's Tavern Altered Natives - Ringside Sports bar Eric Tessmer Band - Rolling Oaks sports Bar & Grill Burgundy - Roper's Joe Posada - Rosario's Ken Slavin Trio - Sage Ristorante e Bar at the Fairmount Hotel Esteban Jordan and Rio Jordan - Salute Lennon, Girl in a Coma - Sanctuary Claude "Butch" Morgan - Scenic Loop Café Roger Velasquez and the Latin Legends - Senor Willies Rat Ranch - Sherlock's Jennifer and Bill - Silo Bar Lil Bit and the Customatics - Silver Fox Seven Perfect - Sky Lounge Melody and Cathy with Jerry Bailey - Spechts Store Starchild - Tavern in the Gruene Bobby Jordan and the Ridgecreek - Texas 46 Bar & Grill Drugstore Cowboys, Brandon Key - Texas Pride Barbecue Tennessee Valley Authority - Twin Sisters, 7pm Paz Couture Fashion Show - The Venue Aerosmith and MÖtley CrÜe, Lennon - Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Curse the Form, Falling for Days, Bangladesh - White Rabbit | Sat- Miss Leslie, Ruben V, Texas Sapphires, Percussion, Sentimental Journey, #3 Dinners, Grassy Knoll, Chick's Dig Jazz, Sisters Morales, Cienfuegos, Sean Castillo, Sexto Sol | Saturday Miss Leslie and Her Juke-Jointers - Casbeers Ruben V - The Cove Lonesome Spurs, Texas Sapphires, Channing Wilson, Peewee Moore - Sam's Burger Joint Public Radio's Hands On Drums: Henry Brun Percussion and others - Eisenhower Park TunaPalooza: Bliss, Alter Ego, Santa Monica and Starchild - Our Lady of the Lake University Composers Alliance of San Antonio:Timothy Kramer, Elisenda Fábregas, S. Beth May, Charles Goodhue, and William James Ross performed by flutist Tallon Sterling Perkes, percussionist John Godoy and pianists Kristin Roach, Teresa Stallworth and William James Ross - Ruth Taylor Recital Hall Trinity University Share the Warmth Benefit Concert: Demi Garcia, Celeste Curiel, Liza Ibarra and other Tejano musicians - Christ the King Church Parish Josue Vázquez-García play "Belinda Baila el Tango" featuring music and poetry of Daniel Monserrat - Instituto de México Holiday Parade - Broadway in Alamo Heights A Sentimental Journey to Hawaii - Villita Assembly Building Los Inocentes - Buena Vista Theater Los #3 Dinners - 321 Max Lesile Lugo and Escape - Arjon's International Club Albert & Ecstacy - Azuca Starchild - Bitter End Toman Brothers - Blue Cactus Café Phil Groto - Boardwalk Bistro Gentlemen's Social Club, Eden Burning, Pail - Bond's 007 Merge - Broadway 5050 Grassy Knoll Boys - Bugle Boy Paul Harper - Caparelli's Final session of Chick's Dig Jazz: Joan Carroll, Mark Rubenstein, Matt Dunne - Carmens de la Calle Café Soul Struck Movement - Chango's Havana Club Dr. G and the Mudcats, Heathens - Cheatham Street Warehouse Roger Velasquez and the Latin Legends - Cool Arrows Night Club Albert Garcia and the Blues Surprise - Dick's Last Resort Dolores Del Rio House Band - Dolores Del Rio Maravia - Downtowner Micky and the Motorcars, Buster Jiggs - Floores Country Store Doug Winn - Gradys BBQ Soul Patch - Guadalupe River Club Josh Owens, Roger Creager - Gruene Hall Roger Marin - Gruene Hall, noonish 454 Band and Dennis Davis - Hangin' Tree Saloon Henry Brun and the Latin Playerz Trio - Hotel Contessa Cork Bar An Artists Forum with Suzan-Lori Parks, Bonnie Metzger, David Myers" - Jump Start Tom Williams - Koffee Kup, The Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Danny Acosta and the Q-VO Band - Leonards Glorious Dregs - Lighthouse Coffee Café Archer Avenue, Tammany Hall Machine, J Price Band - Limelight, The Sisters Morales - Lions Field Activity Center Cienfuegos - Luna Wilburn Brothers - Luxello Hall (formerly Cibolo Creek CC) Phil Yamin, Eddie, Rose, Mark, Jaybyrd - Majestic Restaurant/Club 222 E. Houston Wayne Harper - Martini Club Sean Castillo and the Hubcaps - Mix, The Billy Harvey, Monroe - Red Room Lil Bit and the Customatics - Riley's Tavern Brandon Jenkins, Britt Lloyd Band - Rolling Oaks sports Bar & Grill Sexto Sol - Salute Exene Cervenka and the Original Sinners, So Unloved, 7 Shot Screamers, Hard Luck Heroes - Sanctuary Mark's Brothers - Scenic Loop Café Jennifer and Bill - Silo Bar Ray Reed - Silver Fox Deftones, Deadsy - Sunset Station Los Crawdaddies - S.W.C. Club Lone Star Pickerz - Texas 46 Bar & Grill Altered Natives - Tex's Sport Bar Green, Lowtides, Red Leaves, J. Price, Muchos Backflips - The Venue | Sun- Earfood Gospel, Kyle Turner, Big Sandy, Red Room Benefit | Sunday Ear Food Gospel Orchestra - Casbeers Gerald Self and David Eaton - St. Luke's Episcopal Church UTSA Department of Music - UTSA Recital Hall Trinity University Violin Studio - Ruth Taylor Recital Hall Trinity University Jason Vieaux - St. Mark's Episcopal Church Vermeer String Quartet - Temple Beth-El Lesile Lugo and Escape - Arjon's International Club Karen Casey and the Centerstage - Blue Bubble Ballroom Kyle Turner, Second Nature - Carver Community Cultural Center Rick and the Barefoot Boy - Cheatham Street Warehouse Albert Garcia and the Blues Surprise - Dick's Last Resort Dolores Del Rio House Band - Dolores Del Rio Ernie Garibay and the Cats Don't Sleep - Downtowner Ponty Bone and the Squeezetones - Gruene Hall, 4pmish Gospel Blues Jam with Rev. Blues, 1pm - Kelly Island Restaurant, Cupples Rd. 10th Annual Puerto Rican Festival - La Villita Small World - Landing, The Electro Chemists - Limelight, The Ben Beckendorf - Luckenbach Dance Hall,1ish Big Sandy and the Fly-Rite Boys, Sean Castillo and the Hubcaps - Luxello Hall (formerly Cibolo Creek CC) Chris Boss and the Fuss - Mad Dog's Shadows - Martinez Social Club Monkey Mike and the Coconuts - Mix, The Rocky Hernandez Jam and the OBG Band, Roy Paniagua - Orphan Annie's Red Room Benefit: Niki Duncan, Wendy Colonna, Jackson Parten, Russell Clepper, True Stories, Michael O'Neil, Dony Wynn, Lady Jane Grey, I Ching Gatos, Viva Flamenco, Tony Powell, Lavens, Dr. G/Mudcats, Graham Weber, Chris Bretch, Jai, Azul, Michael Bernie, Carlos Meza, Marcus Rubio, David Gibson, Chris Taylor, Scott Stromboe, Billy Harvey - Red Room Glenn Allan & Kim Mackenzie open mike - Riley's Tavern Menudo Mix Colectiva Fundraiser & 365 Kick-Off - Ruta Maya Riverwalk Azul - Salud Kya, Tale Of, Westbound Departure, Between Us and You - Sanctuary Mike Phelan open mike - Spechts Store Greg Forest & The Welfare Fathers - Welfare Café Incantation, Internal Suffering, Year of Desolation, Brotherhood, Darkhorse, SomataForm, Ill Fated, Lazarus, Bloodshot Cowboys - White Rabbit | Mon- Lil Bit, Brain that Wouldn't Die | Monday Lil' Bit and the Customatics-John Waters Costume Party - Sam's Burger Joint Blue Star Brewery-The Brain that Wouldn't Die - La Tuna: Cinema on the Slab - Dancing with Style & Elegance - Dancing Unlimited Studio Three Ring Circus - 321 Max Scott Beyers, Matt Kirk - Chango's Havana Club Big John Mills - Cheatham Street Warehouse Mike Kropp - Crabby Jacks Albert Garcia and the Blues Surprise - Dick's Last Resort Open Bowling, 5:30pm - Hermann Sons Hall Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Micah P. Hinson - Limelight, The Backdoor Romeos - Mix, The Open mike with Weakend Fool, Chrissy Bliss - Sky Lounge Open every day - Toilet Seat Museum Change of Pace, QuietDrive - White Rabbit | Tue- Glenn and Kim, PuroSlam, Suzy & Soul Review | Tuesday Glenn Allan and Kim Mackenzie - Casbeers Open mike with Joe Stahlmann and TMC Careers in Music Services Panel - The Cove Puro Poetry Slam - Sam's Burger Joint Pet Vaccination Clinic - Ken Slavin - Chango's Havana Club Albert Garcia and the Blues Surprise - Dick's Last Resort Open Bowling, 5:30pm - Hermann Sons Hall Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Dale Mayfield - Luckenbach Dance Hall, Evening Suzy & The Soul Mix Revue - Mix, The Starchild - Rebar Joel Hofmann Band - Riley's Tavern No Idea Festival: Bhob Rainey, Liz Tonne, Jeffrey Allport, Annette Krebs, Chris Cogburn, and Dave Dove - Salon Mijangos SOLI Chamber Ensemble - San Antonio Museum of Art Umbrellas, Stellamaris, Bitter End, Lion of Judah, Livin, Here Comes Trouble, Strength Beyond Strength - Sanctuary Open mike with James Buffalo - Silver Fox | Wed- John & Al, Cross Canadian Ragweed, Border Palace, Skunkweed, Steak! | Wednesday Andrew Walker, John Arthur Martinez, Claude "Butch" Morgan and the Happy Camper Jammers - Casbeers John Magaldi and the Al Gomez Quintet - The Cove Jah P, DJ Feeder - Sam's Burger Joint Chris Boss - Broadway 5050 Joe Posada - Chango's Havana Club Kent Finlay's songwriter's circle - Cheatham Street Warehouse Cross Canadian Ragweed - Cowboys Dance Hall Two Tons of Steel, Jason Allen Band - Gruene Hall Eric Geyer's Songwriter's Open Mic - Joey's Landing All-Stars - Landing, The Cowboy Doug Davis - Luckenbach Dance Hall, Evening Border Palace, Azul - Luna Blues jam with Larry Trub, Perfecto Deluxe - Luxello Hall (formerly Cibolo Creek CC) Albert Garcia & Suprise Package - Martini Ranch Too Tall and the Oates - Mix, The Zack Hexum, Carlos Meza - Red Room Skunkweed - Rebar Belgraves - Riley's Tavern James Perez and the Karnaval - Salute Phil Grouda - Scenic Loop Café Two Steps West - Silver Fox Lynn Isaacks - Spechts Store E7 - Stonewerks Big Rock Grill Home Fire - Texas 46 Bar & Grill SteakNite: Jayboy Adams, Will Owen-Gage, Ronnie Leatherman, Greg Forrest, Brian Strange- Steak! - Waring General Store Pitbull Daycare, Insipid - White Rabbit | Thu- Kevin Fowler, Sun*Day, Jackson Parten | Thursday Big Boy Blues Jam - 321 Max Lesile Lugo and Escape - Arjon's International Club Backdoor Romeos - Bond's 007 Kevin Fowler, Mark McKinney - Floores Country Store Mick Hernandez and the Texas Silverados - Hangin' Tree Saloon The Amazing Brother Dave's Open Mic Revival - Koffee Kup, The Landing All-Stars - Landing, The Judge Mike's annual Thanksgiving Dinner with live music - Luckenbach Dance Hall,1ish Undercovers - Mix, The Roger Velasquez and the Latin Legends - On the Half Shell Oyster Bar Rocky Hernandez and the OBG Band open jam - Orphan Annie's Zack Walther, Jackson Parten - Rolling Oaks sports Bar & Grill Sun*Day, Fin del Mar - Sanctuary Beverly Houston and the Breezin' - Silo Bar Melody and Cathy with Jerry Bailey - Spechts Store | | Venues: | Anarte gallery at casa salazar, 216 east houston st, 472.2272 Azuca Cocina Latina, 713 S. Alamo. Barbed Wire Grill, S. Presa. Beethoven Garten, 422 Pereida St. in Southtown, 222- 1521 Blue Bubble Ballroom, 9315 Broadway, 240-0070. Blue Star Brewing Co., S. Alamo, 212-5506 Cabaret Dancehall, 801 Main, Bandera, 830-796- 8166 Carmen's de la Calle, 720 E. Mistletoe (off St. Marys), 737.8272 Casbeers 1719 Blanco Rd., 732-3511. Chris Madrids, 1900 Blanco, 735-3552 The Cove 606 W. Cypress, 227-COVE Dolores Del Rio, 106 E. Riverwalk, 210.223.0609 or 210.222.9998 Floore Country Store, Helotes, TX, 695-8827 Gruene Hall, Gruene, TX- n. on 35, exit 191 830/606- 1281 J. Vincent's Pub, 1031 Patricia Luckenbach Dancehall, 830-997-3224. Out towards Fredericksburg Rosario's, S. Alamo @ S. St. Mary's Rox, 502 Embassy Oaks, 545-0229 Salute, 2801 N. St. Mary's, 732-5307 ("sah loo tay") Sam's Burger Joint, 330 E. Grayson St. Santa's Place, 417 Spriggsdale Sunset Station, 1174 E. Commerce, 222-9481. Tycoon Flats, 2926 N. St. Mary's, 737-1929 Taco Land, 103 W. Grayson, 223-8406 White Rabbit, 2410 N. St. Mary's, 737-2221 All shows, times and cover charges are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm the gig. |
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