Dear Joe, Again- the happenings! Take care! Joe Barfield, GRI, e-PRO, TRLP
This week: |  |  | Fri- The Drams, Food Drive, David Alcantar, James McMurtry, I Ching Gatos, Jimmy Spacek, Steve Jordan, BarBQ, Sara Hickman, Salsamba Sat- Ian Moore, Zupp, Swindles, Micky & Motorcars, Psychics Sun- Gospel Brunch, Chris Holzhaus Benefit, Ernie Garibay, Jesse Dayton, Small World, OBG, Glenn Allan Mon- Johnny P & The Wiseguys, Lewis & Clark, Bowling Tue- Ken Slavin, The Police, Suzy Bravo Wed- Jazz, Eric Geyer, Mechanical Walking Robot Boy, Muertos, Luke Olson, SteakNite Thu- Sun-Day, Blue Cats Jam, Joe Jama, Jim Cullum, Sun-Day |
Fri- The Drams, Food Drive, David Alcantar, James McMurtry, I Ching Gatos, Jimmy Spacek, Steve Jordan, BarBQ, Sara Hickman, Salsamba | Friday The Drams - Casbeers Tahni Handal - The Cove The Lavens - The Cove (5:30- 8pm) Thanksgiving Food Drive: Eric Hisaw, Chrissy Flatt, Matt McCormack and the Rock Bottom Choir, Chris Taylor, Ruby James, Chris Parish, Jaime Thomas, David Fenley, Philip Gibbs - Sam's Burger Joint Sara Hickman, Adrian Nyev - Walden Coffeehouse, First Unitarian Universalist Church Salsamba - Jo Long Theatre, Carver Community Cultural Center Sara Hickman, Adrian Nye - First Unitarian Universalist Church Ampersand: David Alcantar & Albert Alvarez - Bihl Haus Arts Glenn Allan and Kim Mackenize - The Boerne Vistro Paul Kandera & the West Side Horns - Rascals Rev Blues CD Party - Messengers of God Music Cafe' 402 Bynum Lesile Lugo and Escape - Arjon's International Club Tropicante - Azuca Allen Torans and the Misty Blue - Blue Gene's Texas Tide - Blue Cactus Café Zamar - Boardwalk Bistro Phil Yamin, Michele Nicole, Jay Byrd Mitthauer, Johnny P., Lorna Stafford, Eddie Mery, Zoom Harper, Michael O'Laughlin, Bellagio Band - Boccones Calabrese, Horrifics, Out of Order, Winter's Touch, American Swine - Bond's 007 Luke Olson - Broadway 5050 Jesse D y Variety Mix - Cadillac Bar Jackie Rodriguez, Steve Arispe - Carmens de la Calle Café Salsamba - Carver Community Cultural Center Altered Natives - Chango's Havana Club Micky and the Motorcars - Cheatham Street Warehouse Bepko, Fletcher, Santos & Rose - Cibolo Smokehouse & Saloon Mancilla Brothers - El Tropicano James McMurtry and the Heartless Bastards - Floore's Country Store Tim & Bob Show - Fralo's Art of Pizza Los Tovares - Frio St Saloon Michael Waid - Gradys BBQ Roger Creager, Rich O'Toole - Gruene Hall Bimbo and the Borderline - Hangin' Tree Saloon Open Bowling, 5:30pm - Hermann Sons Hall Henry Brun and the Latin American Trio - Hotel Contessa Cork Bar Terill Avenue - Jack's Patio Bar & Grill I Ching Gatos - Koffee Kup, The Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Archer Avenue, 51 Acres - Limelight, The Katherine Dawn - Lion and Rose Suzanna Choffel - Luna San Antonio Symphony - Majestic Theatre Wayne Harper - Martini Club Meister & Meister - MoMak's Backyard Malts & Burgers Nancy Silva Project - Mix, The Ernie Garibay and the Cats Don't Sleep - My Brother's Bar Tejano Sol - Orphan Annie's Oscar Rodriguez - Pat O'briens The Swindles - Riley's Tavern Ledaswan CD release, Meryll, Transfers - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar Jimmy Spacek, Mark Searcy - Rolling Oaks sports Bar & Grill Burgundy - Roper's Two Tight, Johnny Ray Canales, Bobby Rey - Ruben's Place Hip-Hop Conference - Ruta Maya Riverwalk Steve Jordan - Salute E7 - Sherlock's Jennifer and Bill - Silo Bar Eddie and the Boozers - Silo North Los #3 Dinners - Silver Fox Melody & Cathy - Specht's Store Good Ol' Boys - Texas 46 Bar & Grill Southern Bar-B- Que Nite: Jay Boy Adams, Will Owen-Gage, Greg Forrest, Ronnie Leatherman, The South Texas Destroyers -Waring Country Store Raquel & Florin - Water Street Oyster Bar In Ovo, Awaken the Fallen, Under Nothing, Grip, Vein Digger, Kin of Cain, Specoban, Judge the Dead, Sins of Past, Goi - White Rabbit
Sat- Ian Moore, Zupp, Swindles, Micky & Motorcars, Psychics | Saturday The Swindles - Casbeers Krayolas - The Cove M usic for Soldiers fundraiser: Ian Moore, McKay Brothers, Hayden Vitara, Jeff Plankenhorn & Michael O'Connor and the Flyin' A's - Sam's Burger Joint Zydeco Blanco - Kendalia Halle Ampersand: David Alcantar & Albert Alvarez - Bihl Haus Arts Gregoria F. Flores Cancer Fundraiser: The Jokers Wild Band - The Underground John Roof & Oscar Silva opening: The nature . . .. of Nature - The Gas Gallery on N. St. Marys at Ashby George Zupp: The Triumps in your private time might be timed..... - Rrose Amarillo Suzy Bravo & The Soul Mix Revue - Tuckers Lesile Lugo and Escape - Arjon's International Club Albert & Ecstacy - Azuca Joe Jama and the 100 Proof - The Bar on Broadway Drugstore Cowboys - Blue Cactus Café John Magaldi - Boardwalk Bistro Phil Yamin, Michele Nicole, Jay Byrd Mitthauer, Johnny P., Lorna Stafford, Eddie Mery, Zoom Harper, Michael O'Laughlin, Bellagio Band - Boccones Ember, NSP, With These Words - Bond's 007 Merge - Broadway 5050 Marimba Quest Duo with Alice Gomez, Michael Bahan - Cachito de Mexico Restaurant Pete Rodriguez CD release - Carmens de la Calle Café Bepko, Fletcher, Santos & Rose, Lush - Chango's Havana Club Sunny Sweeney - Cheatham Street Warehouse Lone Star Pickerz - Cibolo Smokehouse & Saloon Mancilla Brothers - El Tropicano Hip Hop: Beyond Beats & Rhymes Film Screening - Esperanza Peace and Justice Center Drive - Falls, The Ryan Turner, Josh Grider - Floore's Country Store Doug Winn - Gradys BBQ Roger Creager, Drew Kennedy - Gruene Hall Roger Marin - Gruene Hall, noonish Patrick Glenn - Hangin' Tree Saloon Judie Deleon and Tréz - Hotel Contessa Cork Bar Eaton Lake Tonics, Druggist, Blowing Trees - Jack's Patio Bar & Grill Rocky Hernandez and the OBG Band - Jing's Lounge Altered Natives - Joey's The Swindles - Justin's on Main Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Micky and the Motorcars, Buster Jiggs - Leon Springs Dance Hall Blunted Satur-daze - Limelight, The Tim Scott - Lion and Rose Soniquete - Luna San Antonio Symphony - Majestic Theatre Wayne Harper - Martini Club Mo-dels - MoMak's Backyard Malts & Burgers Nancy Silva Project - Mix, The Oscar Rodriguez, Prototype - Pat O'briens The Show - Raffles Roger Velasquez and the Latin Legends - Ringside Sports bar Moros Eros, Stiletto Formal, The Axe That Chopped the Cherry Tree - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar Scott Wiggins Band, Keith Davis Band, Trainwreck - Rolling Oaks sports Bar & Grill Alternative to Hunger Food Drive: The S.A. Blue Cats, Whitman, Silent Minority and Big Soy - Ruta Maya Riverwalk Drum Logistics - Salute Mark's Brothers, Glenn Allan and Kim Mackenzie - Scenic Loop Café Jennifer and Bill - Silo Bar Rusty Martin - Specht's Store Two Way Street - Texas 46 Bar & Grill Psychics - Water Street Oyster Bar Love Hate Hero, So They Say, Tokyo Rose, National Product, Before Their Eyes, Dot Dot Dot - White Rabbit
Sun- Gospel Brunch, Chris Holzhaus Benefit, Ernie Garibay, Jesse Dayton, Small World, OBG, Glenn Allan | Sunday Gospel brunch with Ear Food Orchestra - Casbeers Chris Holzhaus benefit: McClinton, Eric Johnson, Augie Meyers, Stephen Bruton, Nick Connolly, Don Wise, Roscoe Beck, Tommy Taylor, Ruben V, Debbi Walton, Butch Morgan and Jack Barber - Sam's Burger Joint David Hurd - St. Mark's Episcopal Church Composers Alliance of San Antonio - First Unitarian Universalist Church Masterwork Concert - UTSA Recital Hall Jim Fox - St. Gregory's Parish Hall San Antonio Municipal Band - Clark High School Lesile Lugo and Escape - Arjon's International Club Ernie Garibay and the Cats Don't Sleep - The Bar on Broadway Centerstage - Blue Bubble Ballroom Fire 'n Ice - Carver Community Cultural Center Deep Fried Sexy - Dick's Last Resort Orquesta Jibara - Empire Theatre Spirits Rising: Tribute & Fundraiser for Raul R Salinas - Esperanza Peace and Justice Center Wilburn Brothers - Floore's Country Store Gordie Tentrees - Gruene Hall, noonish Jesse Dayton - Gruene Hall, 4pmish Small World Quintet - Landing, The Red Room open mike - Lion and Rose Chris Boss - Mad Dog's Anúna - Majestic Theatre Monkey Mike and the Coconuts - Mix, The Rocky Hernandez and the OBG Band, Conjunto Sereno - Orphan Annie's Johnny Ray Canales, Bobby Rey - Pat O'briens Glenn Allan open mike with full band - Riley's Tavern Nevea Tears, Memphis Mayfire - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar Albert Garcia's blues jam - Santa's Place San Antonio Vocal Arts Ensemble - Viva! Café
Mon- Johnny P & The Wiseguys, Lewis & Clark, Bowling | Monday Johnny P. and the Wiseguys - Sam's Burger Joint Feral Cats Pro-Jam - 321 Max Nate & Javi - Bitter End Scott Beyers, Matt Kirk - Chango's Havana Club Big John Mills - Cheatham Street Warehouse Deep Fried Sexy - Dick's Last Resort Open Bowling, 5:30pm - Hermann Sons Hall Open mike - Jack's Patio Bar & Grill Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Backdoor Romeos - Mix, The Lewis and Clark musical expedition - Radius Café
Tue- Ken Slavin, The Police, Suzy Bravo | Tuesday Glenn Allan and Kim Mackenize - Casbeers Pablo's open mike - The Cove Texas Music Coalition Thanksgiving Music Video Showcase - The Cove (5:30- 8pm) UTSA Symphonic Band - UTSA Recital Hall The Police, Fiction Plane - AT&T Center (SBC...) Ken Slavin - Chango's Havana Club Nathan Daniel Band - Cheatham Street Warehouse Deep Fried Sexy - Dick's Last Resort Walt Wilkins and the Mystiqueros, Adam Hood - Gruene Hall Open Bowling, 5:30pm - Hermann Sons Hall Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Suzy Bravo & The Soul Mix Revue - Mix, The Jimmy McFarland - Raffles Texas Music jam - Rolling Oaks sports Bar & Grill
Wed- Jazz, Eric Geyer, Mechanical Walking Robot Boy, Muertos, Luke Olson, SteakNite | Wednesday Jazz Quintet - The Cove Keith Davis Band, Javi Garcia - Sam's Burger Joint Rev. Lil' Timmy & the Lords of Discipline - Logan's Rock Bar Mark Odom Band - Boozehounds James Vives - Broadway 5050 Rene Devia, Latin American Harpist - Cielito Lindo Ronnie T. - Chango's Havana Club Kent Finlay's Songwriters Circle - Cheatham Street Warehouse Drive - Falls, The Wade Bowen, Ryan James - Gruene Hall Wooden Nickel - Hangin' Tree Saloon Eric Geyer's Songwriter's Open Mic - Joey's Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Mechanical Walking Robot Boy, Savior Daughters, De Los Muertos - Limelight, The Herb-n-Café - Luna Albert Garcia & Friends jam - Martini Ranch The Boys - Mix, The Marc Thornton - Pat O'briens Lynn Isaacks - Specht's Store Home Fire - Texas 46 Bar & Grill Luke Olson - Water Street Oyster Bar SteakNite: Jayboy Adams - Waring General Store Medic Droid, Karate High School, New Blend, Actions Are Eloquence - White Rabbit
Thu- Sun-Day, Blue Cats Jam, Joe Jama, Jim Cullum, Sun-Day | Thursday S.A. Blue Cats Jam - Sam's Burger Joint Lesile Lugo and Escape - Arjon's International Club Rachel Lane open-mike showcase - Cibolo Smokehouse & Saloon Mancilla Brothers - El Tropicano Joe Jama and the 100 Proof - Enchilada Warehouse Chris Lopez - Falls, The Nate Davenport - flip-burgers Glenn Allan and Kim Mackenzie - Freiheit's County Store The Amazing Brother Dave's Open Mic Revival - Koffee Kup, The Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Rene Devia, Latin American Haprist - Los Cucos Sun-Day, Sonido Estereo, Ledaswan - Mix, The Two Tight - On the break Gib Cardenas - Pat O'briens Beverly Houston and the Breezin' - Silo Bar Jennifer and Bill - Silo North My Children My Bride, With Blood Comes Cleansing, Carnifex, Upon a Burning Body, Blood of Our Enemies, Before You Accuse Me, The Alleged Gunmen, Iblis - White Rabbit
Venues: Anarte gallery at casa salazar, 216 east houston st, 472.2272 Azuca Cocina Latina, 713 S. Alamo. Barbed Wire Grill, S. Presa. Beethoven Garten, 422 Pereida St. in Southtown, 222- 1521 Blue Bubble Ballroom, 9315 Broadway, 240-0070. Blue Star Brewing Co., S. Alamo, 212-5506 Cabaret Dancehall, 801 Main, Bandera, 830-796- 8166 Carmen's de la Calle, 720 E. Mistletoe (off St. Marys), 737.8272 Casbeers 1719 Blanco Rd., 732-3511. Chris Madrids, 1900 Blanco, 735-3552 The Cove 606 W. Cypress, 227-COVE Dolores Del Rio, 106 E. Riverwalk, 210.223.0609 or 210.222.9998 Floore Country Store, Helotes, TX, 695-8827 Gruene Hall, Gruene, TX- n. on 35, exit 191 830/606- 1281 J. Vincent's Pub, 1031 Patricia Luckenbach Dancehall, 830-997-3224. Out towards Fredericksburg Rosario's, S. Alamo @ S. St. Mary's Rox, 502 Embassy Oaks, 545-0229 Salute, 2801 N. St. Mary's, 732-5307 ("sah loo tay") Ruta Maya Riverwalk 107 E. Martin, 223-6292 Sam's Burger Joint, 330 E. Grayson St. Santa's Place, 417 Spriggsdale Sunset Station, 1174 E. Commerce, 222-9481. Tycoon Flats, 2926 N. St. Mary's, 737-1929 Taco Land, 103 W. Grayson, 223-8406 White Rabbit, 2410 N. St. Mary's, 737-2221 All shows, times and cover charges are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm the gig.
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