Dear Joe, Let's see... Heart-breaking wake up call to remind us to play solid 100% for the rest of the playoffs? CHECK! Go Spurs GO! The results from Startup Weekend are in. Forty talented folks showed up. Check out what my team came up with: Read more here. I've been learning a lot lately, so an interim step will be to shift my newsletters over to a new Email newsletter service that will do so much more, better & cost less than Constant Contact. I have been sending this out since 1998, so try to stick with me during the transition over the next few weeks. Have a great weekend! Joe Barfield Keller Williams GRI, e-PRO, TRLP, Broker Associate This Week: |  |  | Fri- Sisters Morales, Kerrville Folk, Tempest, Mescaleros, Girl in Coma, Band of Heathens, Dertybird, Steve Jordan, Swindles, Sat- Bob Dylan Birthday Bash, Rockabilly, Jai Lopez, Curtis Calderon, #3 Dinners, King Pelican, Sons of Hercules Sun- Polka Freakout, Los lonely Boys, King Pelican, Guy Forsyth, Joe Jama Mon- Kerrville Folk Festival, Blues, Memorial Day Tue- Ruben V, Two Ton Tuesdays, George DeVore Wed- Butch, Galleros, Bob Schneider, Buster Thu- Slaid Cleaves, Jimmy Spacek, Joe Posada, Shati, Joe Jama, Ruben V, Brother Dave | Fri- Sisters Morales, Kerrville Folk, Tempest, Mescaleros, Girl in Coma, Band of Heathens, Dertybird, Steve Jordan, Swindles, | Friday Sisters Morales - Casbeers True Stories - The Cove Lavens - The Cove (5:30-8pm) Show Tex Showdown: Sean Castillo & The Hubcaps - Sam's Burger Joint Shakespeare's Tempest - Botanical Gardens Eisley - Scout Bar Folk Music - Kerrville Folk Festival Folk Music - Ruth Taylor Recital Hall, Trinity University River City Ringers - Laurel Heights United Methodist Church Los Mescaleros, Lopez Project - Main Plaza The Good Ole Boys - Tra's Country Los Mescaleros, 7pm - Main Plaza Louis Shati Orchestra - Arjon's International Club Tropicante - Azuca Tom Williams - Beethoven Garten Girl in a Coma, The Offbeats, Winter Dance Party - Blue Bubble Ballroom Galileo - Boardwalk Bistro Innervoid, Doctura, Remember This, Zero & Falling - Bond's 007 Mark Odom Band - Boozehounds Jackie Rodriguez & Steve - Carmens de la Calle Café Texas Renegade - Cheatham Street Warehouse Rene Devia - El Rodeo de Jalisco Failsafe - Falls, The Loose Change - Fiasco Cocktails Doug Moreland, Susan Gibson - Floore's Country Store Tim & Bob Show - Fralo's Art of Pizza The Show - George's Place Patrick Joseph - Gradys BBQ Jay Perez - Graham Central Station Band of Heathens CD release party - Gruene Hall Rene Devia - Gruene Onion Country Horizon - Hangin' Tree Saloon Open Bowling, 5:30pm - Hermann Sons Hall Henry Brun & Latin American Trio - Hotel Contessa Cork Bar Darkwater, Slurly, Rewired - Jack's Patio Bar & Grill Rocky Hernandez - Jing's Lounge Marshall Ford Swing Band, Emily Gimble - Kirby's Prime Steakhouse Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Big Soy, Blowing Trees, Living Strategy - Limelight, The James Perez and Karnaval - Lion and Rose 842 N.W. Loop 410, Suite 115 Nataly Peña - Luciano at the Strand Kevin Higgins and Barbara Malteze - Luckenbach Dance Hall Dertybird - Luna Devil's Hollow - Main Street Isaack Brothers - MoMak's Backyard Malts & Burgers Nancy Silva Project - Mix, The Lesti Huff Band - My Brother's Bar Belikin Bill open jam - Nelson City Dance Hall Henry and the Invisibles - Rebar Darren Kozelsky - River Road Ice House Man-Eaters of Tsavo, Fin del Mar, Egshan, Standing Few, Tabula Rasa - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar Mark Monaco - Rolling Oaks sports Bar & Grill Phil Yamin, Michele Nicole, Jay Byrd Mitthauer, Johnny P., Eddie Mery, Lorna Stafford, Scott Burns, Joe Quinlin, Bellagio Band - Ruth's Chris Steak House Steve Jordan - Salute The Swindles - Scenic Loop Café Jennifer and Bill - Silo Bar Austin Hwy Derringer Band - Silver Fox Kelli King - Splach Sports Bar Two Way Street - Texas 46 Bar & Grill Lone Star Pickerz - Texas Pride Barbecue Flying A's - Water Street Oyster Bar Bobby Baker and the Longnecks - Wetmore Smokehouse Cinematic Sunrise, Alive in Wild Paint, A Kid Named Thompson, Your Greatest Mistake - White Rabbit | Sat- Bob Dylan Birthday Bash, Rockabilly, Jai Lopez, Curtis Calderon, #3 Dinners, King Pelican, Sons of Hercules | Saturday Bob Dylan Birthday Bash: Infidels, Bett Butler, True Stories, I Ching Gatos, Ben Buecker, Ashlee Rose, D.C. Bloom, Marcus Rubio, George Batista - Casbeers Tyler Phillips CD release - The Cove Show Tex Showdown: Highspeed Heartaches, Chadd Thomas & The Crazy Kings - Sam's Burger Joint Shakespeare's Tempest - Botanical Gardens No Justice, Brandon Jenkins, Jason Allen, Tom Gillam, Josh Abbott - Whitewater Ampitheater on the Horseshoe Folk Music - Kerrville Folk Festival Jai Lopez Project, Cuentos - Main Plaza Roger Velasquez & Latin Legends - Seneca Ballroom Return of the Chili Queens Celebration: Five Star Band, Artie V y Grupo Suave, La Formula (de Laredo), Grupo Rayo, Texas Latino, Frijoles Romanticos, Liberty Band, Los Aguilares, Albert Zamora - Market Square The Jim Cullum Jazz Band - KSTX-FM 7:00 pm Jai Lopez & Friends - Main Plaza Louis Shati Orchestra - Arjon's International Club Albert & Ecstacy - Azuca Joe Jama and 100 Proof - The Bar on Broadway The Vola Movement: 10 bands and 20 artists - Beethoven Garten Art of Mosaic - Bihl Haus Loretta Cormier - Boardwalk Bistro Iron 60 - Boozehounds Robert March - Broadway 5050 Marimba Quest Duo with Alice Gomez, Rene Devia - Cachito de Mexico Restaurant Curtis Calderon: New Orleans Jam & Jambalya - Carmens de la Calle Café Jason Marbach Band - Cheatham Street Warehouse Ballistic - Falls, The Texas Nutz - Fiasco Cocktails Pat Green, South First Band - Floore's Country Store Final Cut - George's Place Doug Winn - Gradys BBQ Chris Knight, Maren Morris - Gruene Hall Mark Jungers - Gruene Hall, noonish Wooden Nickel - Hangin' Tree Saloon Papa Wood - Hooligans Henry Brun & the Latin Playerz - Hotel Contessa Cork Bar 50 Dollar Dynasty, Flesh Electric - Jack's Patio Bar & Grill Bruce James Soultet - Kirby's Prime Steakhouse Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Los #3 Dinners - La Tuna Rae Davis, Lotus Tribe - Limelight, The Nataly Peña - Luciano at the Strand Butch Morgan & The H!X, Rip Lorick and the Kevin Deal Band - Luckenbach Dance Hall Much Love - Luna Dean and the House Jacks - Main Street Countrymen - Martinez Social Club King Pelican - MoMak's Backyard Malts & Burgers Sons of Hercules - Mix, The Mish Mash - Nelson City Dance Hall Jo Jo & Co - Orphan Annie's Cross Canadian Ragweed, Ryan James - River Road Ice House Hell Caminos, Saturday Nite Shockers, Broken 13, American Swine, Winters Touch, Sandras - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar Brandon Rhyder, Trainwreck - Rolling Oaks sports Bar & Grill Pointing Fingers, Astex, Cross - Salute Glenn Allan and Kim Mackenzie - Scenic Loop Café Steve Powers Band - Shade Tree Saloon Flyin' A's - Splach Sports Bar Ken Raba and the Broken Rope - Texas 46 Bar & Grill Twilites - Tucker's Kozy Korner Michael Waid - Water Street Oyster Bar Kevin Elliot and the Broken, Sound the Alarm, Driving East, Roark, Sunset Doctrine, Parous - The Warhol FM 1863 with Ruben V - Wetmore Smokehouse Emmure, On Broken Wings, Recon, Ligeia, After the Burial, Rediflight - White Rabbit | Sun- Polka Freakout, Los lonely Boys, King Pelican, Guy Forsyth, Joe Jama | Sunday Polka Freak Out featuring Bubba Hernandez and Alex Meixner - Casbeers Los Lonely Boys, Shawn Sahm & the Tex Mex Experience - Whitewater Ampitheater on the Horseshoe Folk Music - Kerrville Folk Festival Redeemer Fine Arts Series: Pianist Brent Watkins and tenor Rafael Moras - Ruth Taylor Recital Hall, Trinity University Foxy y Rabbit - Main Plaza The Academy of Tejano Artists and Musicians Summer Concert: David Lee Garza y Los Musicales, Javier Galvan y FAMA, La Mafia, Little Joe Hernandez, Ruben Ramos & Mexican Revolution, Tex-Maniacs, Intocable and Tropa F. - Rosedale Park Ted Conerly & the Sentimental Journey Orchestra - Institute of Texan Cultures The Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Torre di Pietra Winery, Fredericksburg, TX Return of the Chili Queens Celebration: Five Star Band, Artie V y Grupo Suave, La Formula (de Laredo), Grupo Rayo, Texas Latino, Frijoles Romanticos, Liberty Band, Los Aguilares, Albert Zamora - Market Square Tocadita w/ Foxy, 11am & 1pm; Grupo Amistad Folklorico, 1pm - Main Plaza Louis Shati Orchestra - Arjon's International Club Ernie Garibay and Cats Don't Sleep - The Bar on Broadway Luckenbach Cultural Exchange - Cheatham Street Warehouse Peter White, Phillip Martin - El Tropicano Wilburn Brothers - Floore's Country Store King Pelican - Freiheit's County Store George's All-Star Band - George's Place Los Desperadoz - Graham Central Station Gary P. Nunn, Highspeed Hayride - Gruene Hall Guy Forsyth - Gruene Hall, noonish Small World Quintet - Landing, The James Perez and Karnaval - Lion and Rose 842 N.W. Loop 410, Suite 115 Chris Berardo & The DesBerardos - Luckenbach Dance Hall Chris Boss - Mad Dog's Bobby Flores - Martinez Social Club Romantic Explosion - Mix, The Belikin Bill open jam - Nelson City Dance Hall Jo Jo & Co - Orphan Annie's Glenn Allan and the Old Crow Boys - Riley's Tavern Roger Creager, Bart Crow Band, Rich O'Toole - River Road Ice House Blind. Torture. Kill., Paramecium, Mind Industry, Cybersleep, Ek$on, Absynthe, Vesper, 7, Harbour 81, Brass Knuckle Saints - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar Albert Garcia's blues jam - Santa's Place Kelli King open mike - Scenic Loop Café Mike Phelan open mike - Splach Sports Bar Mike Phelan open mike - Specht's Store Mike Lord Trio - Texas Pride Barbecue Albert Garcia Band - Tex's Sport Bar Joe Jama & 100 Proof - Yolanda's Sports Bar | Mon- Kerrville Folk Festival, Blues, Memorial Day | Monday Folk Music - Kerrville Folk Festival Blues Music - Main Plaza Return of the Chili Queens Celebration: Five Star Band, Artie V y Grupo Suave, La Formula (de Laredo), Grupo Rayo, Texas Latino, Frijoles Romanticos, Liberty Band, Los Aguilares, Albert Zamora - Market Square Blue Monday: David Villanueva & D'Groove, 11:30am - Main Plaza Feral Cats Pro-Jam - 321 Max Johnny P. and the Wiseguys - Beethoven Garten Small World jam - Boardwalk Bistro Big John Mills - Cheatham Street Warehouse Mike Kropp - Crabby Jacks Texas Sapphires - Gruene Hall Zack Walther and the Cronkites - Gruene Hall, noonish Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Shape Shift - Mix, The Dropping Daylight, You, Me and Everyone We Know, PlayRadioPlay!, She Thinks I'm Famous, Kill Paradise, Artist vs. Poet, Chain Gang of 1974, Young/Divine - White Rabbit | Tue- Ruben V, Two Ton Tuesdays, George DeVore | Tuesday Ruben V - Casbeers Folk Music - Kerrville Folk Festival David Jensen Project - Main Plaza David Lee Garza y Los Musicales, Javier Galvan y FAMA, La Mafia, Little Joe Hernandez, Ruben Ramos & Mexican Revolution, Tex-Maniacs, Intocable and Tropa F. - Laurel Heights United Methodist Church David Jensen, Eric Rivas & Aaron Prado, 11:30am - Main Plaza Tribute to Sebastian Campesi: Hank Harrison, Mary Ann Cornelius, Keith Kimbell, Polly Harrison, Joe Gonzales, Johnny Bush, Ron Wilkins, Ron Knuth, Jon Blondell, Morris Nelms, Joan Christenson, Jim Cullum, John Sheridan, Rick McRae, Richard Diaz de Leon, John Schattenburg, Cynthia Clawson, Kyle Keener and more - Boardwalk Bistro Jordan Minor and the Bottom Dollar Band - Cheatham Street Warehouse Sunday Silence - Falls, The Two Tons of Steel - Gruene Hall Open Bowling, 5:30pm - Hermann Sons Hall George Devore - Josabi's Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The St. Mary Street Healers - Mix, The | Wed- Butch, Galleros, Bob Schneider, Buster | Wednesday Claude "Butch" Morgan and friends - Casbeers Chris Berardo and the Desperados - Sam's Burger Joint Folk Music - Kerrville Folk Festival Mariachi Los Galleros - Main Plaza Mariachi Los Galleros, 11:30am - Main Plaza Rene Devia, Latin American Harpist - Café Revolución Kent Finlay's Songwriters Circle - Cheatham Street Warehouse Bob Schneider and the Bluegrass Massacre, Jason Eady - County Line Buster Jiggs - Floore's Country Store Zack Walther and the Cronkites - Gruene Hall Trainwreck - Jack's Patio Bar & Grill Taylor Davis - Kirby's Prime Steakhouse Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Lotus Tribe - Limelight, The Kevin Sandbloom - Luna Steele Brothers - Martinez Social Club Albert Garcia & Friends jam - Martini Ranch SOB's - Mix, The Katchie Cartwright & friends - Olmos Bharmacy Deterioration, Predominant Mortification, Dirigiri, Chemical Warfare, Crush the Cross - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar Atomic Playboys - Sherlock's Bill Chrisman - Silo Bar Austin Hwy Less Dramatic - Silo North 1604 Lynn Isaacks - Splach Sports Bar Jagermeister Music Tour: Hatebreed, Type O Negative, Powderburn, 3 Inches of Blood - Sunset Station Homefire - Texas 46 Bar & Grill Liferuiner, Dr. Acula, In This Forever, Iblis, Cabaret, Sometimes in April, Underneath Us All, When Breaks the Dawn, Capitals, Hope of Divine Mercy, Upon a Manifest, Knucklehead, Results, Victory or Death, Drown the Fear, Burial at Sea, Lonestar Drive By - White Rabbit | Thu- Slaid Cleaves, Jimmy Spacek, Joe Posada, Shati, Joe Jama, Ruben V, Brother Dave | Thursday Slaid Cleaves - Casbeers Jimmy Spacek blues pro-jam - Sam's Burger Joint Folk Music - Kerrville Folk Festival Joe Posada Trio - Main Plaza Joe Posada Trio, 11:30am - Main Plaza Louis Shati Orchestra - Arjon's International Club Roger Velasquez and the Latin Legends - The Bar on Broadway Joan Carroll jazz jam - Carmens de la Calle Café Ben Danaher - Cheatham Street Warehouse Rachel Lane open-mike showcase - Cibolo Smokehouse & Saloon Jazz by Denise - Cool Café . - El Tropicano Joe Jama and 100 Proof - Enchilada Warehouse Chris Lopez Band - Falls, The Nate Davenport - flip-burgers Laura Meyer - Fralo's Art of Pizza Rodney Hayden - Gruene Hall Sean Hopper Trio - Kirby's Prime Steakhouse The Amazing Brother Dave's Open Mic Revival - Koffee Kup, The Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Electro Chemists - Limelight, The James Perez and Karnaval - "Lion & Rose Sonterra and Stone Oak 700 E. Sonterra Blvd" Rene Devia, Latin American Haprist - Los Cucos Jorge Polomo - Luciano at the Strand Ruben V and SHH! - Luna Undercovers - Mix, The Everybody Out!, Hard Luck Heroes, Slick Dickens, Buffalo Lopez, Dreadnauts - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar Scott Wiggins - Rolling Oaks sports Bar & Grill Adrien, Genevieve - Ruta Maya Riverwalk Lavish Luck - Sherlock's Jennifer and Bill - Silo Bar Austin Hwy Chris Boss - Silo North 1604 Melody & Cathy, Mystyx - Splach Sports Bar Mo-dels - Water Street Oyster Bar Blessed Agony, Chaos Minute, Betrayed by Honor, CoLab, By Any Means Necessary, Empire in Ruins - White Rabbit | |
| Anarte gallery at casa salazar, 216 east houston st, 472.2272 Azuca Cocina Latina, 713 S. Alamo. Barbed Wire Grill, S. Presa. Beethoven Garten, 422 Pereida St. in Southtown, 222- 1521 Blue Bubble Ballroom, 9315 Broadway, 240-0070. Blue Star Brewing Co., S. Alamo, 212-5506 Cabaret Dancehall, 801 Main, Bandera, 830-796- 8166 Carmen's de la Calle, 720 E. Mistletoe (off St. Marys), 737.8272 Casbeers 1719 Blanco Rd., 732-3511. Chris Madrids, 1900 Blanco, 735-3552 The Cove 606 W. Cypress, 227-COVE Dolores Del Rio, 106 E. Riverwalk, 210.223.0609 or 210.222.9998 Floore Country Store, Helotes, TX, 695-8827 Gruene Hall, Gruene, TX- n. on 35, exit 191 830/606- 1281 J. Vincent's Pub, 1031 Patricia Luckenbach Dancehall, 830-997-3224. Out towards Fredericksburg Rosario's, S. Alamo @ S. St. Mary's Rox, 502 Embassy Oaks, 545-0229 Salute, 2801 N. St. Mary's, 732-5307 ("sah loo tay") Ruta Maya Riverwalk 107 E. Martin, 223-6292 Sam's Burger Joint, 330 E. Grayson St. Santa's Place, 417 Spriggsdale Sunset Station, 1174 E. Commerce, 222-9481. Tycoon Flats, 2926 N. St. Mary's, 737-1929 Taco Land, 103 W. Grayson, 223-8406 White Rabbit, 2410 N. St. Mary's, 737-2221 All shows, times and cover charges are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm the gig. | |