|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Dear Joe, Be sure to Tune in to 90.1FM KSYM Saturday Night on your way to the Sons of Pytheus lodge meeting or the bowling league playoffs. I will be filling in for The Casbah from 7-9pm. Expect Suavetone Instro-delic Vinyl. Fez optional. (But definitely recommended!) Check out the Casbah's Podcast. Cool... You can have CPS install a $200 Honeywell programmable thermostat in your home for free by participating in the Peak Saver Program. Programmable means you don't have to remember or count on others... This is your last chance to protest your property taxes. If you fail to file your protest, that means you lose. Download the application and easy instructions. Before Monday! Am I the only one who remembers buying tickets to EPT: Eddie's Party Troopers? Or will admit it... Have a great weekend! Joe Barfield Keller Williams GRI, e-PRO, TRLP, Broker Associate www.SanAntonioVintageHomes.com Still having fun with www.idre.am! This Week: |  |  | Fri- Patrice Pike, Bombasta, Kerville Folk, Lil Bit, Tameca Jones, Swindles, Monte Montgomery, Steve Jordan, Joe Reyes, Rockabilly Sat- #3 Dinners, Del Castillo, Matt Dunne, Charlie Robison, Billy Joe Shaver, The Casbah, Sexto Sol, Mescaleros, Sony no Son, SA Symphony, Sun- Steve Riley & Mamou Playboys, Lil Bit, Seth Walker Mon- Kerrville Folk Fest, Spank Sinatra, Jitterbug Vipers, Small World Large Tue- Landis Armstrong, Crimson Jazz, Joe Stahlman, Jazz on Main, Two Ton Tuesday, George Devore Wed- Claude Morgan & H!X, Folk Fest, Mariachi Los Galleros, The Derailers, TCMN Thu- Adam Carroll, Louis Shati, Latin Legends, Brother Dave, Ruben V, End of School | Fri- Patrice Pike, Bombasta, Kerville Folk, Lil Bit, Tameca Jones, Swindles, Monte Montgomery, Steve Jordan, Joe Reyes, Rockabilly | Friday Patrice Pike with Suzanna Choffell - Casbeers Shawn Pittman - The Cove Lavens - The Cove (5:30-8pm) Bombasta, Pistolera, Chuck's Wagon - Sam's Burger Joint Dedication of our 36th Mural and Public Art project: "All the Difference" - Navarro Academy - 623 S. Pecos St. www.kerrvillefolkfestival.com - Kerrville Folk Festival Lil' Bit & The Customatics - Prestige Bluhemia art night & live music - Galeria Sanchez Xemilla, Hot Sauce - Main Plaza Phil Grota & friends - It's A Grind North East School of the Arts Visual Arts students' collection of Student Works - Art, Inc CM Cooking School Chefs: Staff Favorites - Central Market Louis Shati Orchestra - Arjon's International Club Tropicante - Azuca Sons of Sancho, Yoshimoto, Naomi Vallejo - Beethoven Garten Lucid Dementia, Hearts Fail, Absynthe, Sullen Serenade - Blue Bubble Ballroom Randy Cordero - Boardwalk Bistro Addnerim, Threat, Synaddiction, In Ovo, Veindigger - Bond's 007 Espana Viva - Carmens de la Calle Café Keith Davis Band, Doctor G. and the Mudcats - Cheatham Street Warehouse Rene Devia - El Rodeo de Jalisco Wilbert Beasley and Body & Soul - Fiasco Cocktails Darren Kozelsky - Floore's Country Store Roger Velasquez and the Latin Legends - George's Place Michael Waid - Gradys BBQ High Octane - Guadalupe River Club Marshall Tucker Band, Clay McClinton - Gruene Hall Rene Devia - Gruene Onion Two Way Street - Hangin' Tree Saloon Open Bowling, 5:30pm - Hermann Sons Hall Henry Brun & Latin American Trio - Hotel Contessa Cork Bar Seven Perfect, Resyn8, Slurly - Jack's Patio Bar & Grill Rocky Hernandez - Jing's Lounge Catherine Denise - Kirby's Prime Steakhouse Third Coast Music Network, 3-7pm - KSYM 90.1FM Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Circle of Fifths - Legends Sports Bar Almost Patsy Cline - Leon Springs Dance Hall Word Allstars, Mnolo, Notes, SuperRoot - Limelight, The James Perez and Karnaval - Lion and Rose 842 N.W. Loop 410, Suite 115 Nataly Peña - Luciano at the Strand Thomas Michael Riley's Back to the Basics Festival - Luckenbach Dance Hall Tameca Jones Quartet - Luna San Antonio Symphony - Majestic Theatre Mo-dels - MoMak's Backyard Malts & Burgers Mitch Webb and the Swindles, Mira Radar - Mix, The Lesti Huff Band - My Brother's Bar Donn Walker - Pat O'briens Henry and the Invisibles - Rebar Funkotron, Lotus Tribe, The Blend?, Fareview, Marauders Ghostship, Emarosa, Take the Crown, Lower Definition, Jamie's Elsewhere, Dead and the Divine - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar Monte Montgomery, HalleyAnna Finlay - Rolling Oaks sports Bar & Grill Sean O'Brian - Roper's Phil Yamin, Michele Nicole, Jay Byrd Mitthauer, Johnny P., Eddie Mery, Lorna Stafford, Scott Burns, Joe Quinlin, Bellagio Band - Ruth's Chris Steak House De Los Muertos - Ruta Maya Riverwalk Steve Jordan - Salute Eli Young Band, Ryan James - Schroeder Hall Jennifer and Bill - Silo Bar Austin Hwy Scratch - Silo North 1604 Whisky River - Silver Center Meister and Meister - Specht's Store Mark Chandler Band - Stonewerks Bobby Jordan and Ridgecreek - Texas 46 Bar & Grill Texas Nutz Band - Texas Pride Barbecue Joe Reyes - Twin Sisters, 7pm Tom D. Williams - Water Street Oyster Bar Offbeats - The Warhol Getting' By - Wetmore Smokehouse Channel One, Felipe Galvan y Los Skarnales, Matt Hole and the Hot Rod Gang, Jason Trevino - White Rabbit | Sat- #3 Dinners, Del Castillo, Matt Dunne, Charlie Robison, Billy Joe Shaver, The Casbah, Sexto Sol, Mescaleros, Sony no Son, SA Symphony, | Saturday Los #3 Dinners - Casbeers Latin Jazz by Hot Sauce - The Cove Peacefield, Marc Utter and Blackland, Foscoe Jones and the Distractions - Sam's Burger Joint Empanada: a play by Anel I. Flores - Mexican American Cultural Center www.kerrvillefolkfestival.com - Kerrville Folk Festival Eva Ybarra y Sun Conjunto, Perpetual Puppets - Main Plaza Del Castillo, Guy Forsyth - Whitewater on the Horseshoe Forgiven Quartet - Kirby Baptist Church Karnaval, Los Rokmantix, Ghost Track, Sweetooth - Gallista Gallery North East School of the Arts Visual Arts students' collection of Student Works - Art, Inc "CM Cooking School Chefs: Sharpen Your Knife Skills " - Central Market Louis Shati Orchestra - Arjon's International Club Albert & Ecstacy - Azuca Joe Jama and 100 Proof - The Bar on Broadway Kevin Goes 2 College, Time of the Month, Uptown Creepers, Echo Squad - Blue Bubble Ballroom Matt Dunne, Joan Carroll - Boardwalk Bistro Ignite, Ruined Faith, Stimple - Bond's 007 Marimba Quest Duo with Alice Gomez, Rene Devia - Cachito de Mexico Restaurant Espana Viva - Carmens de la Calle Café Bepko, Fletcher, Santos & Rose - Chango's Havana Club Micky and the Motorcars - Cheatham Street Warehouse Charlie Robison, Claire Cunningham, - Floore's Country Store Soul Struck Movement - George's Place Doug Winn - Gradys BBQ Red Light Sanchas - Guadalupe River Club Billy Joe Shaver, Wayne "The Train" Hancock - Gruene Hall Sean Castillo and the Hubcaps - Gruene Hall, noonish Brent Allen - Hangin' Tree Saloon Al Gomez Big Band Orchestra - Hermann Sons Hall Henry Brun & the Latin Playerz - Hotel Contessa Cork Bar México, México, México: Patti Malcolm, Mauricio Guizar, Alfredo Lomeli, Luis Loyo, Margarita Ramiro, Victor Perez, Brittney and Bridget Perez, Tamara Herrera, Natalia Madrigal, Daniela Villasenor, Stella Maris Jurado, Alejandro Vargas, Orator Flavia Valle - Instituto de México Terrill Avenue - Jack's Patio Bar & Grill La Bella, Steve Doctor Band - Kirby's Prime Steakhouse The Casbah, 7-9pm - KSYM 90.1FM Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Sexto Sol, Los Mescaleros - Limelight, The Nataly Peña - Luciano at the Strand Thomas Michael Riley's Back to the Basics Festival - Luckenbach Dance Hall Son y No Son - Luna San Antonio Symphony - Majestic Theatre Sol Surfers - MoMak's Backyard Malts & Burgers The Visitor - Mix, The Ernie Garibay and Cats Don't Sleep - Orphan Annie's Lee Lee Alcorn Brass Band, Oscar Rodriguez - Pat O'briens Harry Wurzbach & the 410s - Raffles Lil' Bit & The Customatics - Riley's Tavern Scholars and Thieves, Grasshopper Lies Heavy, dancelikerobots!, Casetta, Ben Drezek - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar MayFest with Bart Crow Band, Jackson Taylor, Zack Walther and the Cronkites, Casey Berry and the Live Texas Mosquitoes, Cody Gill Band - Rolling Oaks sports Bar & Grill Adam Castro Quartet, Dave Jensen Trio - Ruta Maya Riverwalk Just Don't Stop - Salute Jamie Richards - Schroeder Hall After Midnight Blues Band - Shade Tree Saloon Derek Winters - Silo North 1604 Craving Amy - Silver Fox Ben Schooley - Specht's Store Mo-dels - Stonewerks Mesquite Ramblers - Texas 46 Bar & Grill Johnny Rodriguez - Texas Pride Barbecue The Legends - Tucker's Kozy Korner Tim & Bob Show - Water Street Oyster Bar We Shot the Moon, Everybody Else, You Are a Shark - The Warhol Brotherhood, Bangladesh, Horse Called War, Under Nothing, Before the Plagues, SkyTornRed, By Sins Fell the Angels, Falling for Days - White Rabbit | Sun- Steve Riley & Mamou Playboys, Lil Bit, Seth Walker | Sunday Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys - Sam's Burger Joint Kerrville Folk Fest - Kerrville Folk Festival Foxy y Chucho - Main Plaza Urban Fest: Bizzy Bone of Bone Thugs-N-Harmony plus other artists, an MC battle, DJ battle, fashion show and graffiti-art competition - Camargo Park Children's Chorus of San Antonio - Coker United Methodist Church North East School of the Arts Visual Arts students' collection of Student Works - Art, Inc Louis Shati Orchestra - Arjon's International Club Ernie Garibay and Cats Don't Sleep - The Bar on Broadway Brown Sugar Jones - Cheatham Street Warehouse Lil' Bit & The Customatics - Floore's Country Store George's All-Star Band, Final Cut - George's Place Randy Rogers, Wade Bowen - Gruene Hall Seth Walker, Thad Beckman - Gruene Hall, noonish Hillbilly Hit Parade, noon-2pm - KSYM 90.1FM Small World Quintet - Landing, The James Perez and Karnaval - Lion and Rose 842 N.W. Loop 410, Suite 115 Thomas Michael Riley's Back to the Basics Festival - Luckenbach Dance Hall Chris Boss - Mad Dog's Shadows - Martinez Social Club Romantic Explosion - Mix, The Joe Jo & Co. - Orphan Annie's Glenn Allan and the Old Crow Boys - Riley's Tavern Jar of Flies, Hostile, Killing Ivy, Lancid Arc, Last Battle - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar Albert Garcia's blues jam - Santa's Place Kelli King open mike - Scenic Loop Café Mike Phelan open mike - Specht's Store Joe Jama & 100 Proof - Yolanda's Sports Bar | Mon- Kerrville Folk Fest, Spank Sinatra, Jitterbug Vipers, Small World Large | Monday Jitterbug Vipers - Sam's Burger Joint www.kerrvillefolkfestival.com - Kerrville Folk Festival Blues Music - Main Plaza North East School of the Arts Visual Arts students' collection of Student Works - Art, Inc Feral Cats Pro-Jam - 321 Max Spank Sinatra - Blue Bubble Ballroom Small World jam - Boardwalk Bistro Mike Kropp - Crabby Jacks Hudsons - Gruene Hall Third Coast Music Network, 3-7pm - KSYM 90.1FM Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Chuck's Wagon - Mix, The Phil Yamin Trio - Pat O'briens Carrier, Hostage Calm, Hollywood, Golden Age, On My Side, Results, Sacovanzetti - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar | Tue- Landis Armstrong, Crimson Jazz, Joe Stahlman, Jazz on Main, Two Ton Tuesday, George Devore | Tuesday Landis Armstrong's Guilty Pleasures - Casbeers Joe Stahlmann open mike - The Cove Budo Grape, Offbeats, To Be Me - Sam's Burger Joint www.kerrvillefolkfestival.com - Kerrville Folk Festival Sweet as Jazz - Main Plaza Olmos Ensemble - First Unitarian Universalist Church North East School of the Arts Visual Arts students' collection of Student Works - Art, Inc CM Cooking School Chefs: Summer Tea Party - Central Market The Crimson Jazz Orchestra - Blue Star Brewing Co. Jordan Minor and the Bottom Dollar Band - Cheatham Street Warehouse Two Tons of Steel - Gruene Hall Open Bowling, 5:30pm - Hermann Sons Hall George Devore - Josabi's Third Coast Music Network, 3-7pm - KSYM 90.1FM Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The St. Mary Street Healers - Mix, The Phil Yamin Trio - Pat O'briens In Her Defense, Standby Red - The Warhol See You Next Tuesday, Elysia, Knights of the Abyss, A Girl A Gun A Ghost, Before You Accuse Me, Hide the Witness, Arms of the Antagonist - White Rabbit | Wed- Claude Morgan & H!X, Folk Fest, Mariachi Los Galleros, The Derailers, TCMN | Wednesday Claude "Butch" Morgan and H!X - Casbeers Big Band jazz - The Cove Kerrville Folk Fest - Kerrville Folk Festival Mariachi Los Galleros - Main Plaza Rene Devia, Latin American Harpist - Café Revolución Kent Finlay's Songwriters Circle - Cheatham Street Warehouse The Derailers, Robyn Ludwick - County Line Drugstore Cowboys - Floore's Country Store Zack Walther and the Cronkites - Gruene Hall Third Coast Music Network, 3-7pm - KSYM 90.1FM Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The Countrymen - Martinez Social Club Albert Garcia & Friends jam - Martini Ranch SOB's - Mix, The Katchie Cartwright & friends - Olmos Bharmacy Gib Cardenas - Pat O'briens Bill Chrisman - Silo Bar Austin Hwy Mesquite Ramblers - Texas 46 Bar & Grill | Thu- Adam Carroll, Louis Shati, Latin Legends, Brother Dave, Ruben V, End of School | Thursday Adam Carroll CD Release, Kim Deschamps, Aaron Einhaus - Casbeers Chuck's Wagon, Hans Frank - The Cove Farmer's Market, 8am-1pm - Botanical Gardens Kerrville Folk Fest - Kerrville Folk Festival George Marin Trio - Main Plaza Louis Shati Orchestra - Arjon's International Club Roger Velasquez and the Latin Legends - The Bar on Broadway Rachel Lane open-mike showcase - Cibolo Smokehouse & Saloon Jazz by Denise - Cool Café Joe Jama and 100 Proof - Enchilada Warehouse Nate Davenport - flip-burgers Sarah Pierce Band - Gruene Hall The Amazing Brother Dave's Open Mic Revival - Koffee Kup, The Third Coast Music Network, 3-7pm - KSYM 90.1FM Jim Cullum Jazz Band - Landing, The James Perez and Karnaval - "Lion & Rose Sonterra and Stone Oak 700 E. Sonterra Blvd" Rene Devia, Latin American Haprist - Los Cucos Jorge Polomo - Luciano at the Strand Undercovers - Mix, The Marc Thornton - Pat O'briens The Bang Tour: Nightmare of You, Graduate, Altus, Edison Glass, Paper Rival - Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar Josh Grider Band - Rolling Oaks sports Bar & Grill Maria y El Sol - Salute Claude "Butch" Morgan - Scenic Loop Café Jennifer and Bill - Silo Bar Austin Hwy Ruben V, 6-8pm - Wetmore Smokehouse End of School Bash: Forever Midnight Sun, Pleasant Downfall, When Breaks the Dawn, Bonnieblue, Glory Glory, Autumn Leaves Fall, Saints and the Cynic, Burial at Sea, Instant of Clarity, Parous, Till Night Falls - White Rabbit | |
Anarte gallery at casa salazar, 216 east houston st, 472.2272 Azuca Cocina Latina, 713 S. Alamo. Barbed Wire Grill, S. Presa. Beethoven Garten, 422 Pereida St. in Southtown, 222- 1521 Blue Bubble Ballroom, 9315 Broadway, 240-0070. Blue Star Brewing Co., S. Alamo, 212-5506 Cabaret Dancehall, 801 Main, Bandera, 830-796- 8166 Carmen's de la Calle, 720 E. Mistletoe (off St. Marys), 737.8272 Casbeers 1719 Blanco Rd., 732-3511. Chris Madrids, 1900 Blanco, 735-3552 The Cove 606 W. Cypress, 227-COVE Dolores Del Rio, 106 E. Riverwalk, 210.223.0609 or 210.222.9998 Floore Country Store, Helotes, TX, 695-8827 Gruene Hall, Gruene, TX- n. on 35, exit 191 830/606- 1281 J. Vincent's Pub, 1031 Patricia Luckenbach Dancehall, 830-997-3224. Out towards Fredericksburg Rosario's, S. Alamo @ S. St. Mary's Rox, 502 Embassy Oaks, 545-0229 Salute, 2801 N. St. Mary's, 732-5307 ("sah loo tay") Ruta Maya Riverwalk 107 E. Martin, 223-6292 Sam's Burger Joint, 330 E. Grayson St. Santa's Place, 417 Spriggsdale Sunset Station, 1174 E. Commerce, 222-9481. Tycoon Flats, 2926 N. St. Mary's, 737-1929 Taco Land, 103 W. Grayson, 223-8406 White Rabbit, 2410 N. St. Mary's, 737-2221 All shows, times and cover charges are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm the gig. |
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